What can I do with this?
With this awesome tool you will be able to make a comic out of your favorite movies and videos! Yeah! This software allows you to take screenshots from a video file and extract them as image files with the characteristics you like and to the location you want.
But that is not all, you also can take multiple screenshots from the video you're working with and put them together into only one image file, with and amazing comic-like look!
How does it work?
Its interface is really clean and easy to use. When you open Image Grabber in your PC you will see a couple of menus with all the relatively few options. Maybe that is what makes it so easy to use. From the file menu you select the movie file from wich you'll be extracting your screenshots. The movie will autoplay and you can either pick up the scenes you like dinamically on the moment they are on display by pushing a button on the tools bar or, you can define a number of screenshots to be made and the Image Grabber will automatically take them for you at equals time intervals.
What else I should know about Image Grabber II?
This application is extremely simple and efective and it's for free since its FREEWARE licence. Will take screenshots from virtually any kind of video file really fast. You can define the labels text and format for the images generated, and you can even disable this option.
The settings you can choose from are in regard of the following:
Layout options: number of columns, title width and height, gap widht and height, in the case you are taking multiple shots into one image file.
Style options: drop shadow, offset X and Y, Intensity and back color, again for the multiple screenshots option.
Labels: decide if you are labeling the screenshots.
Quality: of the images taken.
Details: decide if you are showing details and what details you want to show in the multiple screenshots option.